Tech Tool Store "The Space Saving Toolkit"
Review by: Jennifer Griffiths
Video & Testing by: Philip Griffiths

Introduction :
The Mystery Drawer, we all have one. It's where we stash disks, USB pens and other things that we never use but we need to hang on to them because one day they will be needed for something. Sound familiar? No matter how organized you are, there is a Mystery Drawer. What if I told you that I could cut what you store in your drawer in half with one program? You would probably think I did not know you well and had not seen your drawer. While both are true, I have a solution still. I give you the Tech Tool Store. It promises us "The World's Biggest Collection of Free Technician Tools". Now, every tech I know has used a free tool for something and when he or she went to use it again they could not find it, it was out of date, the disk was broken, you name it. Some of them are really hard to find and there is always the chance you don't remember the name of it correctly and download the wrong thing. This program has a great number of tools within it. Space needed...a small USB pen. Seriously! I don't know about you but I am ready to test this out and if it does what it says on the tin, I know someone that will be cleaning out The Mystery Drawer in our store. *She said as she looked at her husband and smiled.*

Manufacturer statement:
Tech tool store (TTS) is an IT professional application which contains more than 600 free technician tools packed in a simple, fully featured interface. TTS allows you to configure, update, organize, and run the desired tools with just a few clicks. And if initially it doesn't have a tool you need, you can add it to the list in a few seconds. Other features include automation of the tools, professional HTML reports and support for unattended uninstall of the installable tools.
About Fred/Carifred:
My name is Alfredo (Fred) Silva and I am the main developer at and also a computer technician. I've been dealing with computers since I was very young and I used to create some console applications in C++ to help me with my repair jobs. In 2010 I started building a more complex technician tool to help me mostly in the malware removal and also to recover from the damages left by malware infections. That's how UVK was born, and I've been improving it ever since. In the meantime I also created many other technician tools, including Tech Tool Store, all available at Currently the team also includes Bruno Santos, my son, who does malware research and application debugging. I am 45 years old and Bruno is 26.
Technical requirements
Tech Tool Store is very small and light. It uses a very small amount of memory and CPU cycles. Also TTS works on every Windows version since Windows XP.
The TTS executable (about 3 MB) already contains both 32 and 64 bits files, and will use the correct one, according to the current OS arch. This way you don't need to worry about selecting a different file for a different Windows architecture.
Disclaimer (from TTS)
The tools are not hosted by us, nor are they packed in the application's executable. They are downloaded from the internet during runtime, and per user request. Usually the tools are downloaded from the Author's website, but they may also be downloaded from other websites. In order to save bandwidth, the tools are only downloaded if they haven't already been, or are not up to date.
Tech Tool Store does not make any permanent changes to the Windows registry or file system. Any changes you may notice after using Tech Tool Store were probably made by one of the third party tools.
We disclaim any responsibility for any damage caused by the third party tools, whether they are built-in tools or added by you. By using Tech Tool Store, you declare to be aware of the above, and assume all responsibility for whatever the tools may do.

This is a digital product so there is no packaging.

Tech Tool Store does not require any installation, it is fully portable, and you just run an EXE file.
Tech Tool Store (TTS) is easy to run, just download the program once you have purchased it, Pricing starts at $30 USD for 1 year up-to a lifetime licence at $80 USD, To run it, I recommend you put the EXE file you downloaded into a folder, as it will download the tools you wish to use into a folder along side the exe file. Once you run the EXE file you will be able to brand the product as your own in the settings area, you can change the logo, the name of the TTS, and the disruption. You can run it off a memory stick or as I prefer, to copy the folder onto the PC you wish to work on(remember to remove/delete it after working on the PC). Depending on the tests you run the computer may reboot, and sometimes programs will not always automatically load again when on a external drive after startup due to drive letters changing and the computer may take a while for the drive to pick up.
Once you open the run the EXE file, the main screen opens up with all your options of what to do.

This tool is designed to fix many issues that techs see every day. You have the tools you need organized in category order. There are tools for System Repair, Malware, Networking, to name a few. Each category has lists of tools with tick boxes. You simply tick the box or boxes of the tools you want to use, click Update and Run Selected and when prompted choose to allow automation when possible and off you go. So, whatever you have checked to run is updated with the most recent version before you start. You just sit back and relax. You have just replaced your Mystery Drawer with a USB pen. Of course, you are like me, you will have several USB pens made up because you don't want something to happen to the one and only you had of this. This tool is a must have! Now, again, this is using 3rd party software and you do not get to see the TOS on any of it before using it. So, keep in mind that it may or may not be great for commercial use and could possibly have restrictions to the home user. You would have to check into this. I am simply reviewing on how good it is as a tool, how it works, what it does. As far as the tool goes, it is great. It organizes most of the programs needed into one clever program, and it has software security uninstallers as well as Windows troubleshooters at your fingertips which are worth their weight in gold, if I may add.
You are also able to add your own tools or 3rd party apps into the program and TTS will download them automatically if needed, you can also tell it to uninstall selected items and hide tools you dont like or want, if you right click on a tool you can also add it to a favourite list, so its always at the top of the screen and easy to find.

Prices for new license purchases
1-year license purchase: $30.00 USD.
2-year license purchase: $38.00 USD (10% OFF).
5-year license purchase: $60.00 USD (20% OFF).
Lifetime license purchase: $80.00 USD (100 years valid).

This is going on my USB pen before the end of the work day. Why? Because it has saved me time and time is money. I no longer need that document with a list of tools and what they are for. I also don't have to worry about searching for the right thing from memory and chancing getting a virus because I clicked the wrong thing. Everything is nice and compact in one program. Would I recommend it? You bet! While it may not have everything you will ever need, it has definitely earned a place on the USB Pen of Geekdom.
Stand out point:
It's organized and has a vast collection of useful tools that it updates for you.
The vast collection of programs and features.
Everything is organized by catagory
It updates the programs for you
No need for numerous disks and pens floating around the office. Everything in one program
I'm not sure about the legalities of 3rd party software being used commercial. I would like to see more TOS on this.
Value For Money 5*
Time Saver 5*
Ease of Use 5*
Commercial Usage 3*
They got a GOLD Award

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